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Shifting Perspectives

overweight businessman sitting at workplace and looking at pills

In a recent encounter, someone made a thought-provoking statement that resonated deeply with me. They expressed frustration with doctors prescribing medications like Mounjaro solely for weight loss, claiming that such practices caused shortages for those who genuinely needed the medication for other health conditions, like diabetes. The patient expressed “I’m diabetic and can’t even get my medication due to the shortage.”  Although initially, I felt upset, because I wanted to defend my colleagues, however, I couldn’t deny that the sentiment held some truth, and many others might agree with it. I began to think “How could I blame the individual for feeling this way?”

Upon reflection, I realized that this mindset might be prevalent not only among individuals but also within the healthcare system itself. It’s disheartening to think that we might be prioritizing certain health issues over others, disregarding the serious impact of obesity on our population. After all, 43% of our society struggles with this challenge, and it is indeed linked to numerous chronic diseases like diabetes type 2, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, heart disease, and even mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety.

Despite its prevalence and impact on public health, obesity hasn’t received the attention it deserves in the medical field. It’s high time that we recognize obesity as more than just a matter of willpower and personal choices. Through extensive research, I have come to view obesity as a complex disease.  We have numerous FDA-approved medications and dietary recommendations for other health conditions, but not when it comes to obesity.

Unfortunately, studies show that many healthcare providers do not prioritize discussing obesity during medical visits or even acknowledge it as a disease. This lack of attention perpetuates the problem, and I am determined to change that.

 I am committed to making the management of obesity a priority, helping to reduce its detrimental effects on society. My goal is to raise awareness about the true nature of obesity and advocate for making its management a top priority. Rather than focusing solely on treating diseases after they’ve taken hold, I believe in a proactive approach to prevent these health challenges in the first place.

By promoting a shift in perspective, I hope to play a part in addressing this epidemic and improving the overall well-being of our communities. Let us work together to embrace a more comprehensive and compassionate approach to healthcare, recognizing that the fight against obesity is critical in fostering a healthier and happier life.